Business & Technology (BT) (Apr-2023)-

Home > Business & Technology (BT) (Apr-2023)-
About the Instructor
Management Accounting (MA)-

Anshu Budhia

Financial Accounting (FA)-

Vishal Pal

Class Notes : BT

Lecture 01 : Introduction To Business And Technology

Lecture 02 : Business Organizations And Stakeholders

Lecture 03 : Chapter 1 Questions Practice And Chapter 2 Business Environment

Lecture 04 : Chapter 2 Business Environment

Lecture 05 : The Introduction To Legal Framework

Lecture 06 : Chapter 4 Macro Economics

Lecture 07 : Chapter 4 Macro Environment Finished

Lecture 08 : Micro Economic Factors

Lecture 09 : Business Organizations Structure

Lecture 10 : Chapter 6 Business Structure & Chapter 7 Organisations Committee And Culture

Lecture 11 : Chapter 7 Organizing Committee And Chapter 8 Corporate Governance And Social Responsibilities

Lecture 12 : Chapter 8 Corporate Governance And Social Responsibility

Lecture 13 : Chapter 9 Role Of Accounting And Starting Chapter 10 Control Security And Audit

Lecture 14 : Chapter 11 Identifying Fraud And Error & Chapter 10 Control Security And Audit

Lecture 15 : Chapter 10 Control Security And Audit

Lecture 16 : Chapter 12 Leading & Managing

Lecture 17 : Recruitment & Selection

Lecture 18 : Chapter 13 Recruitment And Selection & Chapter 14 Individual Groups And Teams

Lecture 19 : Chapter 15 Motivating Individuals And Groups

Lecture 20 : Chapter 16 Training And Development & Chapter !7 Performance Appraisal

Lecture 21 : Chapter 18 Personal Effectiveness

Lecture 22 : Chapter 19 Ethical Considerations

Doubt Session : BT Mock Test And Doubt Session